Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GH3 return on May 10

Just wondering...
If Roger Howarth returns in the role of Jason Morgan would everyone complain:

A) That he has returned as a new character
B) That he has returned as Jason Morgan

Because it seems to me a great way to shift focus.

Afterall, it's split on Jason, right? (Half don't want the mob, but Sonny, Carly, Sam, Danny and Monica all need Jason and there is still a big JaSam fanbase).

And, let's admit it, who among us doesn't want to see Jason wipe the smug off of AJ's face?

Roger and Kelly have amazeballs chemistry, as do Roger and Laura... and it would be so easy to move into those scenes.

But, since Ron Carlivati said that the return of the GH3 'answers one of Pt Charles most asked questions' and that 'they're coming back in a big, fun way' you know the three will be returning together.

So now we must consider... Who will Kristen Alderson and Michael Easton play that could tie into Jason's return...who could it be??

I immediately think of Franco and his daughter Lauren.

Which, would be awesome, but is not necessarily "fun" and not longterm enough for Michael Easton.

Still, it would be "shocking" ...now if they could just find Luke's pink Cadillac for the ride into town ;)

(Hope to post more Generally Hospitables now that I'm feeling better...)